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JavaScript/TypeScript: Convert UUID from most significant bits (MSB)/least significant bits (LSB) representation to string

To save space when passing UUIDs with Protocol Buffers, we send them using the MSB/LSB representation, two 64-bit long values.

message Uuid {
  sfixed64 msb = 1;
  sfixed64 lsb = 2;

These are simple to go to and from in Java,

UUID id = UUID.fromString("eb66c416-4739-465b-9af3-9dc33ed8eef9");
long msb = id.getMostSignificantBits();
long lsb = id.getLeastSignificantBits();
System.out.println(msb + ", " + lsb);
  // -1484283427208739237, -7281302710629372167

System.out.println(new UUID(msb, lsb));
  // eb66c416-4739-465b-9af3-9dc33ed8eef9

However, since JavaScript's number only goes up to 253 - 1, I'm unable to convert the MSB/LSB format back to a string in my TypeScript client. Is this possible?


  • Looking at Java UUID's toString() method for inspiration,

    public String toString() {
      return (digits(mostSigBits >> 32, 8) + "-" +
        digits(mostSigBits >> 16, 4) + "-" +
        digits(mostSigBits, 4) + "-" +
        digits(leastSigBits >> 48, 4) + "-" +
        digits(leastSigBits, 12));
    private static String digits(long val, int digits) {
      long hi = 1L << (digits * 4);
      return Long.toHexString(hi | (val & (hi - 1))).substring(1);

    We can do the same using BigInt. This assumes Node 10.8+ (tested with 18.14.0), TypeScript targeting ES2020+, and with this browser compatibility.

    Note: If you get "BigInt literals are not available..." wrap all literals ending with n with BigInt instead (e.g., instead of 32n, use BigInt(32)).

    function uuidSigBitsToStr({ lsb, msb }: { lsb: bigint; msb: bigint }): string {
      return `${digits(msb >> 32n, 8n)}-${digits(msb >> 16n, 4n)}-${digits(
      )}-${digits(lsb >> 48n, 4n)}-${digits(lsb, 12n)}`;
    function digits(val: bigint, ds: bigint): string {
      const hi = 1n << (ds * 4n);
      return (hi | (val & (hi - 1n))).toString(16).substring(1);

    And an example test, notice msb/lsb are passed to BigInt as strings,

    it('converts UUID from msb/lsb to string', () => {

    The final piece is protocol buffers. By default, google-protobuf uses number for 64-bit float and int values, which causes overflow above Number.MAX_VALUE or 253 - 1. To avoid this, use the jstype annotation on 64-bit fields,

    message Uuid {
        sfixed64 msb = 1 [jstype = JS_STRING];
        sfixed64 lsb = 2 [jstype = JS_STRING];

    2023 update: the reverse function, convert from UUID string to significant bits

    function uuidStrToSigBits(uuid: string) {
      const invalidError = () => new Error(`Invalid UUID string: '${uuid}'`);
      if (uuid == null || typeof uuid !== "string") throw invalidError();
      const parts = uuid.split("-").map((p) => `0x${p}`);
      if (parts.length !== 5) throw invalidError();
      return {
        lsb: (hexStrToBigInt(parts[3]) << 48n) | hexStrToBigInt(parts[4]),
          (hexStrToBigInt(parts[0]) << 32n) |
          (hexStrToBigInt(parts[1]) << 16n) |
    function hexStrToBigInt(hex: string): bigint {
      return BigInt(Number.parseInt(hex, 16));

    Here's a round-trip test,

    const uuidSigBits = uuidStrToSigBits("7680fc63-1f58-412a-9bde-c5a9de1e0ce9");
    const uuidStr = uuidSigBitsToStr(uuidSigBits);
      // => 7680fc63-1f58-412a-9bde-c5a9de1e0ce9