I'm downloading a video from a server and store it on android storage. I'm using Android Studio java. Everything is okay but there is a parameter "Date Authored" with a weird value past (a date before the file created).
Here is a detail of that file:
This problem occurs randomly. I'm not sure why it happens.
This file detail in which everything is fine:
After a few research, I found data is not actually wrong it is the date when the particular video is uploaded on the server. So
My question is: Is it possible to download the only video without their meta-data from the server?
For any classification ask me.
MP4 files contain meta-data, such as "Title" and "Date Authored". They are values inside the file.
File systems also store meta-data about files, such as "Date Created" and "Date Modified". These are maintained by the Operating System (Windows, Linux, ...).
It seems that the property dialog you're looking at has a quirk. It is always displaying a "Date Authored", even when not found in the file, in which case it defaults the value to be the same as "Date Created".
It's a quirk of the dialog, and you should just ignore it / learn to live with it.
But to answer your question: Yes, you can modify the "Date Authored" value, if you have Java code that can read/write the property meta-data of an MP4 formatted file.
Search the web to see if there is a library for that, if you really feel the need for it. I wouldn't bother.