I have below array. First object is the original data. Inside array is the changed value. I am trying to create a final data by matching with the Name field with inside array. which should look like
var a =
**{"Name":"hunt9988ggggggggggggdfsf1118","Id":"1"}, // Changed value
Final Data
var a =
I am trying with below code
var result = a.map(item => ({ value: item.Id, text: item.Name}));
Like this?
Note I modify the original array
let a = [{
"Id": "1",
"Test": "Name1",
"Name": "hunt9988ggggggggggggdfsf1111"
"Id": "2",
"Test": "Name2",
"Name": "hunt9988ggggggggggggdfsf"
"Name": "hunt9988ggggggggggggdfsf1118",
"Id": "1"
}, // Changed value
"Name": "hunt9988ggggggggggggdfsf1118",
"Id": "2"
const replaceArray = a.find(item => Array.isArray(item))
replaceArray.forEach(item => a.find(aItem => aItem.Id === item.Id).Name=item.Name)
a = a.filter(item => item.Id)