I was studying subqueries in sql and couldn't figure out the answer to this question. Following are the tables.
Project(p͟r͟o͟j͟n͟o͟, projname, prestdate, prendate)
| projno | projname | prstdate | prendate |
| AD3100 | Admin Services | 2014-01-01 | 2015-02-01 |
| AD3110 | General AD Systems | 2014-01-01 | 2015-02-01 |
| MA2113 | W L Prod Cont Progs | 2014-02-15 | 2014-12-01 |
| PL2100 | Weld Line Planning | 2014-01-01 | 2014-09-15 |
I came up with this but I think its wrong:
select projname
, prstdate
, MONTH(prendate - prstdate) as duration
from Proj
where prendate - prstdate IN (select MIN(prendate - prstdate) from Proj);
You are on the right track. But your query is looking at the duration of the projects, not the end date.
Second, the calculation of the duration is off. The best function to use is TIMESTAMPDIFF()
So, just modify the code to look at the end date instead of the duration:
select projnamek, prstdate
timestampdiff(month, prstdate, prendate) as duration
from Proj
where prendate = (select min(prendate) from Proj);