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Can't add new alternative domain name to CloudFront resource using AWS SDK for Java 2.x

I'm having difficulties trying to add a new Alternative Domain Name (CNAMEs) to an existing CloudFront resource using the AWS SDK for Java v2.x

This is the code snippet I'm using so far:

// First I get the actual resource from AWS
GetDistributionResponse distributionInformation = cloudFrontclient

// Then I extract the part I want to edit
DistributionConfig config = distributionInformation.distribution().distributionConfig();

// so far so good, I'm able to see my data as intended 

// The next thing is to try adding the new alias, and of course I can't as that array is Unmodifiable! 
// Meaning that I'm  always getting an: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

// If the previous line worked or I find an alternative solution I'm planning to make the following update request
UpdateDistributionRequest updateDistributionRequest = UpdateDistributionRequest


I'm kind of lost here, I'm not exactly sure how this is supposed to work.

I'll appreciate any help I can get

Thanks in advance


  • I confirmed that the methods that belong to DistributionConfig - even comment - seem to be read-only when you use the object returned from distributionConfig

        Distribution disObject = response.distribution();
        DistributionConfig config = disObject.distributionConfig();

    The solution is to create a new DistributionConfig object by using the builder method (see below). Add the new values and then also read in the values that do not change. Otherwise a Java exception is thrown.

    Here I add a new comment as an example of modifying a Distribution.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
            CloudFrontClient cloudFrontClient = CloudFrontClient.builder()
            try {
                // Lets get the Distribution to modify
                GetDistributionRequest disRequest = GetDistributionRequest.builder()
                GetDistributionResponse response = cloudFrontClient.getDistribution(disRequest);
                Distribution disObject = response.distribution();
                DistributionConfig config = disObject.distributionConfig();
                // Create a new  DistributionConfig object and add new values to comment and aliases
                DistributionConfig config1 = DistributionConfig.builder()
                        .aliases(config.aliases()) // You can pass in new values here
                        .comment("New Comment")
                    UpdateDistributionRequest updateDistributionRequest = UpdateDistributionRequest.builder()
            } catch (CloudFrontException e){

    This worked and you can see the new comment:

    enter image description here