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Show/hide a div depending on if cursor is in a text field

I have an input text field, and it has a formatting bar above it. I want to hide the bar when the cursor isn't in the input field.

Here is a Jsfiddle for anyone who is able to help.

<div class="header-div">
This is my header div

<div >
<input placeholder="placeholder text">

<p class="explainer">
When I've clicked in the input box above (ready to type or currently typing), I want the grey bar above to show, otherwise hide it.

Note that I'm using Quill for the rich text input, but just want to know the general javascript syntax/concept anyway of how to detect when the input field is active, so it can affect other elements.


  • You could create listeners for the focus and blur events on the textbox and update the style to show/hide the header. The code below should get you started:

    let textbox = document.querySelector('input');
    let header = document.querySelector('.header-div');
    // add event listeners to textbox
    textbox.addEventListener('focus', function() { 
        toggleDisplay(header, true);
    textbox.addEventListener('blur', function() { 
        toggleDisplay(header, false);
    function toggleDisplay(element, show) {
        if (show) 
   = 'block';
   = 'none';
    .header-div {
      display: none;
      background-color: #ccc;
      padding: 8px;
    .explainer {
    <div class="header-div">
      This is my header div
    <div >
      <input placeholder="placeholder text">
    <p class="explainer">
      When I've clicked in the input box (ready to type or currently typing), I want   the grey bar above to show, otherwise hide it.