I have a function on JS that must execute before the codebehind, but i'm having trouble retrieving it. It will return a variable that i should use on the codebehind. The function i created is this one:
<script type="text/javascript" >
function returnHash() {
var checkout = new DirectCheckout('086F7D02A071267FEBF102EB759D9845B8B3333DFA65BC45B807F41A8525AD8D'); /* Em sandbox utilizar o construtor new DirectCheckout('SEU TOKEN PUBLICO', false); */
var month = document.getElementById("txtDataVencUser").value;
var year = document.getElementById("txtDataVencUser").value;
var cardData = {
cardNumber: document.getElementById("txtNumeroCartaoUser").value,
holderName: document.getElementById("txtNomeCartaoUser").value,
securityCode: document.getElementById("txtCodSegurancaUser").value,
expirationMonth: month.substring(0, 2),
expirationYear: "20" + year.substring(3, 5)
checkout.getCardHash(cardData, function (cardHash) {
----------------------------> I NEED TO RETRIEVE "cardHash" VALUE IN CODEBEHIND
}, function (error) {
I don't know if this step is correct, but i am using the onClientClick to try to execute the JS before the codebehind:
<asp:Button ID="btnFinalizarCompraJunoUser" runat="server" Text="FINALIZAR COMPRA" OnClientClick="returnHash()" OnClick="btnFinalizarCompraJunoUser_Click" Visible="true" />
I am having trouble figuring out what to do next, can someone help me please?
There are a number of ways - perhaps as many flavors of ice cream.
But, since you are going to run a "code behind" stub based on the click?
I would just drop a hidden field on the page, and then just set that value in js
So right below your button - add a hidden field say like this:
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<br />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button"
OnClientClick="myfun();return true" Width="68px"
<asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField1" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function myfun() {
// do whatever - walk the dog - have fun!!!
var f1 = document.getElementById("HiddenField1");
f1.value = "2222";
So in above I just shove 2222 into the hidden1 field.
Now, in the the code behind button stub, you can do this:
Debug.Print("my click f1 = " & HiddenField1.Value);
So the code behind will now have a good old regular plane jane control to look at and get the value in question.
So, it depends on how many values - but using a code behind friendly (asp.net) control and setting the value with the js client side code probably is the least effort here.
I also of course used "staticID" for the above. If you for some reason don't like (or want) to use staticID for above, then the js selection would be:
var f1 = document.getElementById("<%=HiddenField1.Clientid%>");
f1.value = cardHash;