I know how to take screenshot for specific element from the webpage. I tried several lines of code to catch the image but no one of them succeeds to capture the image well. Here's the link of the site https://eservices.moj.gov.kw/searchPages/searchCases.jsp Here's my code and tries as for this part
.Get sURL
.Wait 2000
'.FindElementById("txtCaseNo").SendKeys "192883660"
Dim obj As Object
'.FindElementByXPath("//*[@id='viewPane']/div").ScrollIntoView True
.FindElementById("viewPane").ScrollIntoView True
.Wait 2000
'.FindElementByXPath("//div/img[@src='/captcha/imgCaptcha.jsp']").ScrollIntoView True
'.FindElementByXPath("//div/img[@src='/captcha/imgCaptcha.jsp']").ScrollIntoView True
'Set obj = .FindElementByXPath("//div/img[@src='/captcha/imgCaptcha.jsp']").TakeScreenshot(3000)
Set obj = .TakeScreenshot(3000)
obj.SaveAs (ThisWorkbook.Path + "\Number.png")
.Wait 2000
I could only capture the whole page but I want to capture the element of captcha only.
This is the working code that solved my problem
Private bot As Selenium.ChromeDriver
Sub Test()
Dim element As Object
Set bot = New Selenium.ChromeDriver
With bot
.Get "https://eservices.moj.gov.kw/searchPages/searchCases.jsp"
Set element = .FindElementByXPath("//*[@id='frmCaseNo']/div[2]/img")
.ExecuteScript "arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", element
element.TakeScreenshot(3000).SaveAs (ThisWorkbook.Path + "\Number.png")
End With
End Sub