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Take screenshot using selenium VBA

I know how to take screenshot for specific element from the webpage. I tried several lines of code to catch the image but no one of them succeeds to capture the image well. Here's the link of the site Here's my code and tries as for this part

   .Get sURL
    .Wait 2000
    '.FindElementById("txtCaseNo").SendKeys "192883660"
    Dim obj As Object
    '.FindElementByXPath("//*[@id='viewPane']/div").ScrollIntoView True
    .FindElementById("viewPane").ScrollIntoView True
    .Wait 2000
    '.FindElementByXPath("//div/img[@src='/captcha/imgCaptcha.jsp']").ScrollIntoView True
    '.FindElementByXPath("//div/img[@src='/captcha/imgCaptcha.jsp']").ScrollIntoView True
                'Set obj = .FindElementByXPath("//div/img[@src='/captcha/imgCaptcha.jsp']").TakeScreenshot(3000)
Set obj = .TakeScreenshot(3000)
        obj.SaveAs (ThisWorkbook.Path + "\Number.png")
    .Wait 2000

I could only capture the whole page but I want to capture the element of captcha only.


  • This is the working code that solved my problem

    Private bot As Selenium.ChromeDriver
    Sub Test()
        Dim element As Object
        Set bot = New Selenium.ChromeDriver
        With bot
            .Get ""
            Set element = .FindElementByXPath("//*[@id='frmCaseNo']/div[2]/img")
            .ExecuteScript "arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", element
            element.TakeScreenshot(3000).SaveAs (ThisWorkbook.Path + "\Number.png")
        End With
    End Sub