I have asked a very similar question before, but have been unable to reverse engineer a solution for my current problem 1.
I have a column of values stacked in the order I would like, but I am trying to get them to be divided by 7 and have each value take up 7 cells. I created the first few lines of a desired output column that shows what the goal is2.
I also tried to have a sort function in there to only show values <= today(), but was unable to make it work.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
=FLATTEN(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Sheet1!B2:L/7, Sheet1!A2:A<>"", Sheet1!A2:A<=TODAY())))
FILTER(Sheet1!B2:L/7, Sheet1!A2:A<>"", Sheet1!A2:A<=TODAY()))),
{"@", "@", "@", "@", "@", "@", "@"})))