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Why innerText,innerHTML property doesnt work on input tags in javascript?

So i stumbled upon following code

<!DOCTYPE html>

Name: <input type="text" id="myText" value="Mickey">

<p>Click the button to change the value of the text field.</p>

<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>

function myFunction() {
  document.getElementById("myText").value = "Johnny Bravo";


And not having used .value before in javascripte i thought to substitute it by innerText property but it just simply doesnt work !

I am having an idea that maybe as <input/> is a self closing tag that's why innerText isnt able to insert in between it ? As such to insert in between an element there atleast should be 2 tags

SO can anyone consolidate this ? Or if not then why .innerText isnt working here instead of .value


  • Because inner refers to the content that is "in between" the opening and closing tags of an element. For example:

    <p>This is the "innerText" or "textContent"</p>

    The <input> element doesn't have a closing tag, so it can never contain any "inner" content. For these elements, use the .value property to access their content.

    There are other elements that do not have a closing tag, but in the following cases, the elements don't have innerText or .value because they are not designed to store any data, only to have a semantic or structural effect on the HTML:

    • <area>
    • <base>
    • <br>
    • <col>
    • <colgroup> when the span is present
    • <command>
    • <embed>
    • <hr>
    • <img>
    • <input>
    • <keygen>
    • <link>
    • <meta>
    • <param>
    • <source>
    • <track>
    • <wbr>