Why don't operators below andThen
get called? I have narrowed down the issue to the difference between using andThen
(converting from Completable) to just using Single.
Doesn't work
import io.reactivex.Completable
import io.reactivex.Single
Completable.complete() // or in my case, heavyProcessWhichReturnsCompletable()
.andThen { println("SUCCESS") } // This runs, but nothing after it
.andThen { println("FAILURE") } // doesn't print
.toSingle { "FAILURE" }.subscribe { it ->
print("Result: $it") // doesn't print
Single.just("SUCCESS").subscribe { it ->
print("Result: $it") // prints!
Thanks a lot to @akarnokd for explaining the issue. Naively, I was going to blame RxJava for this, but didn't want to turn into this man so I thought about it a bit more. It's my obligation to understand the code I write 😅. This blog post was also instrumental in my understanding.
It is because andThen
takes a CompletableSource
argument, but using a lambda (curly braces) with no arguments causes the Completable to live forever (the completable never completes). So no future code (downstream operators) runs. Completable
implements CompletableSource
, so the first println runs, but not the second:
.andThen {println("runs") } // runs
.andThen {println("doesn't run") } // doesn't run
So above, I was able to use andThen twice successfully. The reason is Completable.complete()
was a good CompletableSource
, but println
I've written some explanations in each print statement as to why they run/ don't:
Completable.complete() // or in my case, heavyProcessWhichReturnsCompletable()
.andThen (Completable.fromAction {println("SUCCESS")})
.andThen {it ->
println("Success, because fromAction succeeds after the code runs if no exception are raised")
.andThen { println("Success, because the previous completable completed")}
.andThen { println("Won't print here, because the previous one didn't complete"}
.andThen { Completable.complete() } // won't complete, because the first parameter is not called!
.andThen { println("Failure") } // Won't complete
.toSingle { println("Failure") }
Fix use either paranthesis or call onComplete
.andThen (Completable.complete()) // Completes
.andThen { println("Success"); it.onComplete() } // Completes
.toSingle { println("Success") }