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Searching for .class files in an eclipse project's Referenced Library

I'm deconstructing a program, and tracing various .class files from its Referenced Libraries in order to do so. I've tried to use Eclipse's file search but while it can easily find all the .java files given the name it does not seem to be able to find .class files making up the Referenced Libraries' jars the same way. Is there any easy way to trace class files without individually looking through the jars/packages?


  • I am not sure why you would prefer class-files over java sources (as in order to understand the program, the latter are much more useful), but you should be able to open find the most appropriate files by either

    • pressing F3 on the desired variable / class in the source code which jumps to its definition
    • searching it by name using CTRL + SHIFT + R (or T to only find types) which lets you find java / class files by name