I don't know how to sort an already computed array of results.
In Vue, I filter images by their ratio. Now I want to sort the individual results by date, name or whatever is possible.
I tried sorting the array with a method, but this solution does not automatically recalculate and dynamically display the sorted results.
data() {
return {
results: [],
imgProperties: {
imgId: [],
imgRatio: [],
imgCreateDate: []
computed: {
resultsFiltered() {
if (this.sliderVal == 0) {
return this.results;
} else {
const obj = [];
const arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.ratioIndeces.length; i++) {
const element = this.ratioIndeces[i];
return obj;
There is no sort approach to be seen here.
I would like to know how or where to start.
The code example shows an excerpt of the current structure. The ratio is calculated in the methods.
I would like to sort the array by imgCreateDate
and imgRatio
here is my latest approach to filter the results and sort them by parameters at the same time:
computed: {
resultsFiltered () {
return this.built.dataset.filter(img => {
return this.customFilters.every(key => {
const parameter = this.params[key]
const args = parameter.map(val => this.customInputs[val]).slice(1)
return filterMenus[key](img[parameter[0]], ...args)
the single elements:
= is an array of objects. Each img is an object.
= is an array with filter options. like 'ratio' or 'keyword'. So I can filter with every key I got in the list.
= whatever the user types in. A date range, a ratio, a keyword, a year, ...
= compare img1 to img2
= up or down. like 'img2.ratio - img1.ratio'
= alphabetical, numerical, by date or reset to default view