I have a PHP code that decrypts payload with a secret key, I'm trying to write exactly the same code in JavaScript using the crypto-js library, but I get the wrong result.
First 16 bytes in payload - is vector, remaining part - is useful information.
Working code in PHP - https://ideone.com/NJXkRK
function getPayload($app_secret_key, $data) {
// Get the encryption key (16 first bytes of the app's client_secret key)
$encryption_key = substr($app_secret_key, 0, 16);
// Decrypt payload
$json_data = aes_128_decrypt($encryption_key, $data);
// Decode json
$json_decoded = json_decode($json_data, true);
return $json_data;
function aes_128_decrypt($key, $data) {
// Ecwid sends data in url-safe base64. Convert the raw data to the original base64 first
$base64_original = str_replace(array('-', '_'), array('+', '/'), $data);
// Get binary data
$decoded = base64_decode($base64_original);
// Initialization vector is the first 16 bytes of the received data
$iv = substr($decoded, 0, 16);
// The payload itself is is the rest of the received data
$payload = substr($decoded, 16);
// Decrypt raw binary payload
$json = openssl_decrypt($payload, "aes-128-cbc", $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
//$json = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $payload, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv); // You can use this instead of openssl_decrupt, if mcrypt is enabled in your system
return $json;
// Get payload from the GET and process it
$ecwid_payload = "ng7W9c9jLhkX7ATMpafNAd5Vt_skEaFAqnQaw0Ing1iwYQOwB0Q_CuCS8yQeHeorTdCpZWDTNrzhcq_umX7IaAFUPPgs0zyddY7Er1tA0aze5kWGHUV54fJHoVEJHMmVEi-G5g8ZnNopIFu0YQgQqLpCq8TP2zFJunSTA7VXHTmqHNAD2JXaUb-VylcJWzgV0vaCoGyHqaPbsNNw6HSWkAzhh8dLmsYB0uzsZ_zl3wVXubCL4p2N53PmNPBLCgoC";
$client_secret = "zcKf1Zt0UsO43S46Un3pxIgs91R1xMGs";
$result = getPayload($client_secret, $ecwid_payload);
Not working JS code
function getPayload() {
const payload =
const key = "zcKf1Zt0UsO43S46Un3pxIgs91R1xMGs";
// Get the encryption key (16 first bytes of the app's client_secret key)
const encryption_key = key.substr(0, 16);
// Decrypt payload
const base64_original = payload.replace(/-/gi, "+").replace(/_/gi, "/");
const data = aes_128_decrypt(encryption_key, base64_original);
function aes_128_decrypt(password, data) {
const decoded = atob(data);
let iv = decoded.substr(0, 16);
let payload = decoded.substr(16);
iv = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(iv);
const decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(payload, password, {
iv: iv,
padding: CryptoJS.pad.NoPadding
return decrypted.toString();
window.onload = function() {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crypto-js/4.0.0/crypto-js.min.js"></script>
Please help me to improve this JS code
There are several issues in the JavaScript code:
(otherwise CryptoJS uses a key derivation function).CipherParams
object (or as Base64 encoded string).NoPadding
, but the padding bytes wouldn't be removed).toString()
hex encodes by default)For details see the CryptoJS documentation, especially the chapters The Cipher Input and The Cipher Output.
The following JavaScript code decrypts the ciphertext:
function getPayload() {
const payload = "ng7W9c9jLhkX7ATMpafNAd5Vt_skEaFAqnQaw0Ing1iwYQOwB0Q_CuCS8yQeHeorTdCpZWDTNrzhcq_umX7IaAFUPPgs0zyddY7Er1tA0aze5kWGHUV54fJHoVEJHMmVEi-G5g8ZnNopIFu0YQgQqLpCq8TP2zFJunSTA7VXHTmqHNAD2JXaUb-VylcJWzgV0vaCoGyHqaPbsNNw6HSWkAzhh8dLmsYB0uzsZ_zl3wVXubCL4p2N53PmNPBLCgoC";
const key = "zcKf1Zt0UsO43S46Un3pxIgs91R1xMGs";
// Get the encryption key (16 first bytes of the app's client_secret key)
//const encryption_key = key.substr(0, 16);
const encryption_key = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(key.substr(0, 16)); // Parse the key into a WordArray
// Decrypt payload
const base64_original = payload.replace(/-/gi, "+").replace(/_/gi, "/");
const data = aes_128_decrypt(encryption_key, base64_original);
console.log(data.replace(/(.{56})/g,'$1\n')); // {"store_id":20553036,"access_token":"secret_a9TmTJfRt3gyvxjJ9UwYjs9VQip3F7rp","public_token":"public_QQ99gUwVGdvKuZbLLyNZzDsvXF5iF3gh","view_mode":"PAGE","lang":"ru"}
//console.log(JSON.parse(data)); // Convert JSON string into JavaScript object (optional)
function aes_128_decrypt(password, data) {
const decoded = atob(data);
let iv = decoded.substr(0, 16);
let payload = decoded.substr(16);
iv = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(iv);
var ivCiphertext = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(data); // Parse data into a WordArray
var iv = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(ivCiphertext.words.slice(0, 16 / 4)); // Separate iv
var payload = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(ivCiphertext.words.slice(16 / 4)); // and ciphertext
//const decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(payload, password, {
const decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(
ciphertext: payload // Pass CipherParams object
iv: iv
//padding: CryptoJS.pad.NoPadding // Apply PKCS7 padding
//return decrypted.toString();
return decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); // Utf8 decode plaintext
window.onload = function() {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crypto-js/4.0.0/crypto-js.min.js"></script>