I have a query for firebase that has an array of IDs that has a size > 10. Firebase has restrictions on the number of records to query in one session. Is there a way to query against more than 10 at a time?
[Unhandled promise rejection: FirebaseError: Invalid Query. 'in' filters support a maximum of 10 elements in the value array.]
let query = config.db
.where("id", "in", matchesIdArray);
const users = await query.get();
(matchesIdArray.length needs to be unlimited)
I found this to work well for me without needing to make as many queries (loop and request in batches of 10).
export async function getContentById(ids, path) {
// don't run if there aren't any ids or a path for the collection
if (!ids || !ids.length || !path) return [];
const collectionPath = db.collection(path);
const batches = [];
while (ids.length) {
// firestore limits batches to 10
const batch = ids.splice(0, 10);
// add the batch request to to a queue
.then(results => results.docs.map(result => ({ /* id: result.id, */ ...result.data() }) ))
// after all of the data is fetched, return it
return Promise.all(batches)
.then(content => content.flat());