I have a neo4j query like:
// classic for each loop for the new rankings information
"FOREACH (app in $apps | " +
// upsert the app
" MERGE (a:App{appId:app.appId}) " +
// end of loop
") " +
I'm using gremlin-java. In here, I want to give $apps
as custom parameter. I've just checked gremlin document but I couldn't find a foreach step. Is there a suggestion?
graph.foreach(apps: map)...
Solved with:
As you noted you can use a constant
step to inject a value into a query. However you can also use the inject
step to insert a collection of values in a similar way. Here are a couple of simple examples - you can extend these patterns to include id, label and multiple property values as needed.
gremlin> g.inject([[id:1],[id:2],[id:3],[id:4]]).
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel('test').valueMap(true)
gremlin> g.inject(1,2,3,4).as('a').
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel('test2').valueMap(true)
The first query injects a list of maps. The second a simple list. This is a bit like the UNWIND
pattern you may be used to in Cypher and it works in a similar way.