I have an object that on click generates an image on my canvas. How can I disable selection on this generated image object?
I added the following in my code: canvas.selection = false;
This disables selection on the object with the click function but for any new image object that is added, it doesn't work.
Example (click the smallest blue dot): https://codepen.io/twan2020/pen/yLVbvGb You can't move the blue dot, but the images that get added can be moved.
I've tried adding the following line: printzelf.selection = false
in the function where the image gets created but this still doesn't work. I've also tried adding selection: false
alongside the parameters, but no success.
savebtnclick.onclick = function() {
var imgURL = 'https://printzelf.nl/new/assets/images/logo_gewoon.png';
var printzelfImg = new Image();
printzelfImg.onload = function (img) {
var printzelf = new fabric.Image(printzelfImg, {
width: 350,
height: 100,
left: 450,
top: 70,
scaleX: .25,
scaleY: .25,
id: 'testimg',
selection: false
printzelf.selection = false;
printzelfImg.src = imgURL;
How can I disable the selection for everything? Including newly added objects? Changing it into a static canvas is not an option because I lose too many functions.
fabric.js offers a property for it's Image class called selectable. If set to false you can't move/rotate/scale an image.
printzelfImg.onload = function (img) {
var printzelf = new fabric.Image(printzelfImg, {
width: 350,
height: 100,
left: 450,
top: 70,
scaleX: .25,
scaleY: .25,
id: 'testimg',
selectable: false
printzelf.selection = false;