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Download attachments using Exchange Web Services Java API?

I am writing a Java application to download emails using Exchange Web Services. I am using Microsoft's ewsjava API for doing this.

I am able to fetch email headers. But, I am not able to download email attachments using this API. Below is the code snippet.

FolderId folderId = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, "");
findResults = service.findItems(folderId, view);
for(Item item : findResults.getItems()) {
   if (item.getHasAttachments()) {
      AttachmentCollection attachmentsCol = item.getAttachments();
      System.out.println(attachmentsCol.getCount()); // This is printing zero all the time. My message has one attachment.
      for (int i = 0; i < attachmentsCol.getCount(); i++) {
         FileAttachment attachment = (FileAttachment)attachmentsCol.getPropertyAtIndex(i);
         String name = attachment.getFileName();
         int size = attachment.getContent().length;

item.getHasAttachments() is returning true, but attachmentsCol.getCount() is 0.


  • You need to load property Attachments before you can use them in your code. You set it for ItemView object that you pass to FindItems method.

    Or you can first find items and then call service.LoadPropertiesForItems and pass findIesults and PropertySet object with added EmailMessageSchema.Attachments