I have a JSON like this:
"timestamp": 1613461012
The timestamp is an epoch / unix timestamp in SECOND not in milisecond.
I would like to have the result like this:
"timestamp": 1613461012000 //timestamp in ms
"monthyear": 2021-02 //it can be in any format as long as it can indicate the month and the year from the timestamp
I have tried to get the timestamp in ms by using Jolt Transform like this:
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"timestamp": "=divide(@(1,timestamp), 0.01)"
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"timestamp": "=toInteger(@(1,timestamp))"
but it produces 2147483647 as the result not 1613461012000 (I think this can happen because jolt can only use int). For extracting the month and year I haven't found any solution, I think I have to get the epoch in ms first before I can do this.
Any suggestion?
Finally, I can solve this! Here is how I achieve that.
EvaluateJSONPath Configuration:
"month.year": "${timestamp:toNumber():multiply(1000):format('yyyy-MM')}",
"timestamp": ${timestamp:toNumber():multiply(1000)}