Search code examples

Managing Focus in an Autosuggestion Field in SwiftUI in a MacOS App

I want to build an "autosuggestion field" in SwiftUI in a MacOS App.
My first attempts work quite OK.
The problem I face is managing the focus, to enable smooth keyboard (only) handling.

If the users has entered more than 1 char in the textfield, a list with suggestions is displayed. At the moment the user can choose one with the mouse.
What I want is, that the user can still edit the textfield, navigate in the textfield with Cursor-Left and Cursor-Right (which is the case) and additionally navigate the list with Cursor-Up and Cursor-Down and select an entry with e.g. Space or Enter.

struct TestSearchField2: View {
  var body: some View {
    } .frame(width: 400, height: 400, alignment: .center)

enum SuggestionListStatus {
  case off
  case on
  case accepted

struct SearchField2: View {
  let allSuggestions =  ["michael Schneider","thomas mueller","joachim Oster","Dennis mueller","Michael Carter","frank 1","frank 2","frank 3","frank 4","frank 5"]
  @State var input = ""
  @State var showList : SuggestionListStatus = .off
  @State var selected = ""

  var body: some View {
    TextField("input Data", text: $input)
      .overlay(SuggestionList2(suggestionListStatus: $showList, selected: $input, suggestions: allSuggestions.filter {$0.contains(input)}))
    .onChange(of: input, perform: { value in
      if showList == .accepted {
        showList = .off}
      else if input.count >= 2 {
        allSuggestions.filter {$0.contains(input)})
        showList = .on
      } else {
        showList = .off

struct SuggestionList2: View {
  @Binding var suggestionListStatus : SuggestionListStatus
  @Binding var selected : String
  @State var selection : String? = "Michael"
  var suggestions : [String] 

  var body: some View {
    if suggestionListStatus == .on {
        List(suggestions, id: \.self, selection: $selection){ s in
          Text(s).onTapGesture {
            print("Pressed; \(s)")
            selected = s
            suggestionListStatus = .accepted
        Text("Debug setected: \(selection ?? "nothing selected")").font(.footnote)
    .frame(width: 200, height: 150, alignment: .leading)
    .offset(x: 0, y: 100)


  • I wrapped a NSTextField in NSViewRepresentable and used the NSTextFieldDelegate. You can find my example of GitHub.

    SuggestionsDemo Project on GitHub