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Finding all the paths between two vertices with weight limit in a directed graph

I'm trying to find all the paths between two vertices that have weight less than N in a directed weighted graph that may have loops but not self-loops. So far, I could do it only by using AllDirectedPaths and then filter out the paths that have weight bigger than N:

SimpleDirectedWeightedGraph<String, DefaultWeightedEdge> g = new SimpleDirectedWeightedGraph<>(DefaultWeightedEdge.class);
AllDirectedPaths<String, DefaultWeightedEdge> allPaths = new AllDirectedPaths<>(g);
int maxWeight = 30;
List<GraphPath<String, DefaultWeightedEdge>> pathsLimitedByWeight = allPaths.getAllPaths(startVertex, endVertex, false, maxWeight / minGraphLatency)
    .filter(graphPath -> graphPath.getWeight() < maxWeight)

This approach is obviously suboptimal because for larger graphs it is slow. To limit the output and make it faster, I supply maxPathLength to the AllDirectedPaths#getAllPaths, which I set to the max weight a path can have divided by a minimal weight an edge in the graph has since in my case edge weight is an integer and is always greater than 1.

I considered using KShortestSimplePaths with a custom PathValidator, but it supports only simple paths, i.e, doesn't allow loops.

What other option, if any, do I have within jgrapht that can be used to solve finding all paths without having to traverse the graph myself.


  • There is no algorithm that allows you to efficiently query all non-simple paths between a pair of vertices. There can be exponentially many paths. Imagine a graph with the following edges: (s,u),(u,v),(v,u),(u,t), where all edges have length 1. Now find all non-simple paths from s to t, with a weight limit of N. You would get the following paths:

    • s,u,t
    • s,u,v,u,t
    • s,u,v,u,v,u,t
    • s,u,v,u,v,u,v,u,t
    • ....

    You could continue cycling [u,v,u] until you finally hit the weight limit. If this is really what you want, I would recommend implementing a simple labeling algorithm. A label encodes a partial path. A label keeps a reference to its preceding label, a reference to the node the label is associated with, as well as a cost equal to the total cost of the partial path represented by the label. Start the algorithm by creating a label for the source node s with cost 0 and add it to a queue of open labels. During every iteration of the algorithm, poll a label from the open queue until the queue is exhausted. For a polled label L associated with node i and having cost c, expand the label: for each neighbor j of node i, create a new label L' that points back to label L and set its cost equal to c plus edge weight d_ij. If the cost of the new label L' exceeds the available budget, discard the label. Else, if j is the target node, we found a new path, so store the label such that we can recover the path later. Else, add L' to the queue of open labels. A simple implementation of this algorithm can be found below.


    1. The above labeling algorithm will only work when either the graph is relatively small, N is low, or the edge weights are high, since the number of possible paths from s to t can grow very fast.
    2. The performance of the above algorithm can be slightly improved by including a admissible heuristic to compute the least amount of budget required to complete a path from a given node to the terminal. This would allow you to prune some labels.
    3. All edge weights are required to be larger than 0.
    import org.jgrapht.*;
    import org.jgrapht.graph.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class NonSimplePaths<V,E> {
        public List<GraphPath<V, E>> computeNoneSimplePaths(Graph<V,E> graph, V source, V target, double budget){
            GraphTests.requireDirected(graph); //Require input graph to be directed
                return Collections.emptyList();
            Label start = new Label(null, source, 0);
            Queue<Label> openQueue = new LinkedList<>(); //List of open labels
            List<Label> targetLabels = new LinkedList<>(); //Labels associated with target node
                Label openLabel = openQueue.poll();
                for(E e : graph.outgoingEdgesOf(openLabel.node)){
                    double weight = graph.getEdgeWeight(e);
                    V neighbor = Graphs.getOppositeVertex(graph, e, openLabel.node);
                    //Check whether extension is possible
                    if(openLabel.cost + weight <= budget){
                        Label label = new Label(openLabel, neighbor, openLabel.cost + weight); //Create new label
                        if(neighbor.equals(target)) //Found a new path from source to target
                        else //Must continue extending the path until a complete path is found
            //Every label in the targetLabels list corresponds to a unique path. Recreate paths by backtracking labels
            List<GraphPath<V,E>> paths = new ArrayList<>(targetLabels.size());
            for(Label label : targetLabels){ //Iterate over every path
                List<V> path = new LinkedList<>();
                double pathWeight = label.cost;
                }while(label != null);
                Collections.reverse(path); //By backtracking the labels, we recoved the path in reverse order
                paths.add(new GraphWalk<>(graph, path, pathWeight));
           return paths;
        private final class Label{
            private final Label pred;
            private final V node;
            private final double cost;
            private Label(Label pred, V node, double cost) {
                this.pred = pred;
                this.node = node;
                this.cost = cost;
        public static void main(String[] args){
            Graph<String,DefaultWeightedEdge> graph = new SimpleDirectedWeightedGraph<>(DefaultWeightedEdge.class);
            Graphs.addAllVertices(graph, Arrays.asList("s","u","v","t"));
            graph.edgeSet().forEach(e -> graph.setEdgeWeight(e,1.0)); //Set weight of all edges to 1
            NonSimplePaths<String,DefaultWeightedEdge> nonSimplePaths = new NonSimplePaths<>();
            List<GraphPath<String,DefaultWeightedEdge>> paths = nonSimplePaths.computeNoneSimplePaths(graph, "s", "t", 10);
            for(GraphPath<String,DefaultWeightedEdge> path : paths)
                System.out.println(path+" cost: "+path.getWeight());

    Output of the above sample code:

    [s, u, t] cost: 2.0
    [s, u, v, u, t] cost: 4.0
    [s, u, v, u, v, u, t] cost: 6.0
    [s, u, v, u, v, u, v, u, t] cost: 8.0
    [s, u, v, u, v, u, v, u, v, u, t] cost: 10.0

    Improving the performance of the above implementation, e.g. by adding an admissible heuristic, I leave as an exercise to the OP.