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Google sheets use a filter on date and category in one go

I am trying to sum up values in google sheets. I want a monthly overview and a sum per category.

My data has these characteristics:

 date, category, value
 01-01-2021, blue, 50
 02-01-2021, green, 100
 01-02-2021, blue 50
 15-01-2021, orange, 30
 12-02-2021, orange, 50
 18-01-2021, blue, 20

I want to group it as follows:

 month, category, value
 January, blue, 70
 January, orange, 30
 February, blue, 50
 February, green, 100
 February, orange, 50

I managed to sum values that are between certain dates. So combining the date and value column as in above example. Now I would like to add the category to it.

My function:

=SUMIFS(F2:F362;B2:B362;">="&D3;B2:B362 ;"<="&D4)

F2:F362 is the range of the values B2:B362 is the range of the dates D3 = Minimal date D4 = maximum date

Any help or tips would be appreciated! Not sure if I should continue in this function or add something around it. Couldn't find this combined challenge in current questions, only the separate ones.


  • try:

     "select month(A)+1,sum(C) 
      where A is not null 
      group by month(A)+1 
      pivot B
      label month(A)+1'month'", 1)

    enter image description here

    or the reverse distribution:

     "select B,sum(C) 
      where A is not null 
      group by B 
      pivot month(A)+1", 1)

    enter image description here

    to add external date boundaries:

     "select B,sum(C) 
      where A >= date '"&TEXT(D3, "yyy-mm-dd")&"'
        and A <= date '"&TEXT(D4, "yyy-mm-dd")&"'
      group by B 
      pivot month(A)+1", 1)

    enter image description here