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Simple plotly histogram of monthly frequencies in R

So I know that this is a super simple question, but still I could not resolve it. I have data that looks like this with precise dates in one year:

1  2008-08-08
2  2008-08-08
3  2008-04-12
4        <NA>
5        <NA>
6  2008-04-10
7  2008-07-12
8  2008-04-10
9        <NA>
10 2008-07-12
11 2008-07-14
12 2008-07-29
13 2008-07-29
14 2008-07-29
15 2008-08-06
16       <NA>
17 2008-08-24
18 2008-10-30
19 2008-10-30
20 2008-10-20
21 2008-01-28
22       <NA>
23       <NA>

I would like to plot the frequency of the data per month. So I do something like

dat %>% 
  mutate(month = month(date),
         month_posix = as.Date(paste0("2008-", month, "-01"))) %>% 
  plot_ly(., x = ~month_posix)

But I just don't know how to plot one bin for each month with the frequency of its appearance. I tried a couple of things, but I'M just not really familiar with plotly. Like if there are zero dates in January I would still like to see January with a bar of height 0. Maybe someone has a quick tip.

Data in the format I have (just without NAs) can be produced with this command: dat = data.frame(date = sample(seq(as.Date('2008-01-01'), as.Date('2008-12-31'), by="day"), 16))


  • You can use count to get the frequency in each month and then use plot_ly

    dat %>% 
      count(month = month(date), name = 'count') %>%
      plot_ly(x = ~month, y = ~count, type = 'bar')

    enter image description here


    dat = data.frame(date = sample(seq(as.Date('2008-01-01'), 
                                       as.Date('2008-12-31'), by="day"), 50))