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Adding labels to a pv.Layout.Stack (streamgraph) in Protovis

I'm working with the Protovis library to do a streamgraph of data. I want to label the different layers with the "words" array. I can't seem to get the words to line up how I'd like. I want them to be inserted where the graph is the largest for that particular layer, similar to this site:

enter image description here

var words = [
var data = [

var w = 800,
    h = 300,
    x = pv.Scale.linear(0, 40).range(0, w),
    y = pv.Scale.linear(0, 600).range(0, h);

var vis = new pv.Panel()

    .fillStyle(pv.ramp("#aad", "#556").by(Math.random))
    .strokeStyle(function () { this.fillStyle().alpha(.5) });



  • Try this:

        .fillStyle(pv.ramp("#aad", "#556").by(Math.random))
        .strokeStyle(function () { this.fillStyle().alpha(.5) })
     // this is new code:
        .def("max", function(d) {return pv.max.index(d)})
        .visible(function() {return this.index == this.max() })
        .text(function(d, p) {return words[this.parent.index]});

    Basically this adds a whole bunch of labels to your areas, But then only makes them visible at the index where the value is the maximum, by defining a function max on the series. I adapted this code from the code in the link you sent.