I'm using WSL2 (Debian) on Windows 10.
How can I install and use Wt library?
When I try to use the recommended command on the Wt website
$ sudo apt-get install witty witty-dev witty-doc witty-dbg witty-examples
I get this:
E: Unable to locate package witty
E: Unable to locate package witty-dev
E: Unable to locate package witty-doc
E: Unable to locate package witty-dbg
E: Unable to locate package witty-examples
$ sudo apt -y install g++ cmake
$ tar xvfz boost_1_75_0.tar.gz
$ cd boost_1_75_0
$ ./bootstrap.sh
$ sudo ./b2 install
The header files and the libraries are in /usr/local/include/boost
and /usr/local/lib
, respectively.
$ sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib # Update ldconfig cache
$ tar xvfz wt-4.5.0.tar.gz
$ cd wt-4.5.0
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ make -C examples # optional
(examples required)
$ cd examples/hello/
$ ln -s ../../../resources/
$ ./hello.wt --docroot . --http-listen
Open the browser and browse to .