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Access not granted or expired GMAIL API and Oauth2 / How to set email signatures using GMAIL API with a GSuite domain

i'm currently setting up an automatic signature system for every user of a google organisation but I haven't succeed to do so. I followed this guide but I have the following error : Service_.getAccessToken @ The problem is that: I don't have access to the file and when I googled my error, no answers, either on google's github or stack overflow's website suits me well.

Here is the code (from the guide, I of course changed the auth values):

var accountsToIgnore = [

var auth = {
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nABCDE\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "client_email": "",
  "client_id": "INSERT_CLIENT_ID_HERE"

function go() {  
  var pageToken;
  var page;

  do {
    page = AdminDirectory.Users.list({
      domain: '',
      orderBy: 'familyName',
      maxResults: 250,
      pageToken: pageToken,
      projection: 'full',
      // query: ""
    if (page.users) {
      page.users.forEach( function (user){
        if (accountsToIgnore.indexOf(user.primaryEmail) == -1) {

        var service = getOAuthService(user.primaryEmail);
        // Pull in the signatire template file contents into this variable 
        var signatureTemplate = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("signature").getContent();

          // Set up a userData variable, with some blank defaults as backups  
          var userData = {
            email: user.primaryEmail,
            jobTitle: "",
            showJobTitle: true,
            workingHours: "",
            directPhone: ""
          if (typeof user.customSchemas !== 'undefined') { // Email sig settings are set
            if (typeof user.customSchemas.Email_signature !== 'undefined') {

              if (typeof user.customSchemas.Email_signature.Show_job_title_in_signature !== 'undefined' && user.customSchemas.Email_signature.Show_job_title_in_signature == false) {
                userData.showJobTitle = false; 

              if (typeof user.customSchemas.Email_signature.Working_Hours_Description !== 'undefined' && user.customSchemas.Email_signature.Working_Hours_Description != "") {
                userData.workingHours = "<br /><br /><i>"+user.customSchemas.Email_signature.Working_Hours_Description+"</i><br />";


          if (user.hasOwnProperty('organizations') && user.organizations[0].hasOwnProperty('title') && typeof user.organizations[0].title !== "undefined" && userData.showJobTitle == true) {
            userData.jobTitle = user.organizations[0].title+"<br />";

          if (user.hasOwnProperty('phones') && Array.isArray(user.phones) && user.phones.length >0) {
            for (var p = 0; p < user.phones.length; p++) {
              if (user.phones[p].customType == "Google Voice") {
              // Depending on where in the world you are, you may need to adjust this formatting for your own needs... This replaces the +44 UK country code with a local "0" and adds a space after the local area code for formatting.
               userData.directPhone = "<br />D: " + user.phones[p].value.replace('+44', '0').replace('1158', '1158 '); 

          // Replace the placeholders as seen in the signature.html file with the actual data from the userData variable set up earlier. 
          var userSig = signatureTemplate
          .replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "")
          .replace(/{firstName}/g, userData.firstName)
          .replace(/{lastName}/g, userData.lastName)
          .replace(/{jobTitle}/g, userData.jobTitle)
          .replace(/{workingHours}/g, userData.workingHours)
          .replace(/{directNumber}/g, userData.directPhone); 

          var sigAPIUrl = Utilities.formatString('',,;

          var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(sigAPIUrl, {
            method: "PUT",
            muteHttpExceptions: true,
            contentType: "application/json",
            headers: {
              Authorization: 'Bearer ' + service.getAccessToken()
            payload: JSON.stringify({
              'signature': userSig

          if (response.getResponseCode() !== 200) {
            Logger.log('There was an error: ' + response.getContentText());
          } else {
            Logger.log("Signature updated for "+user.primaryEmail);

    } else {
      Logger.log('No users found.');
    pageToken = page.nextPageToken;
  } while (pageToken);

function getOAuthService(userId) {
  return OAuth2.createService("Signature Setter "+userId)
  .setAuthorizationBaseUrl('') // Added thanks to research
  .setClientId(auth.client_id) // same
  .setCallbackFunction('authCallback') // same
  .setParam('access_type', 'offline')

The problem comes from the GMAIL API (100% errors on the google's API page) or from Google's OAuth2.

Here is some pages I found that are related to my problem:

Full error code from Error: Access not granted or expired. Service_.getAccessToken @

The credentials API (the warning sign mean that it has been created automatically):

The files and services I have on google's apps script editor:

Thanks for the help.


  • Thanks to the answers above and some personal research, I managed to set up an automatic signature with Google Console and Gmail API.

    This is a step by step guide on how to set up the system.

    DISCLAIMER: I'm not a professionnal and I may do mistakes (so feel free to correct me if i'm wrong :) ), but I still want to make this "guide"... maybe it can help someone, who knows ?


    The steps are for the "New" Editor.

    1. Go to this link (google apps scripts) and create a new script.
    2. Go to Settings > Check "Show appsscript.json manifest file in editor"
    3. Editor > edit appsscript.json and add the oauthScopes:
    "oauthScopes": [
    1. In Editor tab: add the OAuth2 Library
    2. add the Gmail and AdminDirectory Services
    3. Copy this code (based on this page) and add your OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY and OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_EMAIL (you'll get it in the next part)
    4. Create an new file HTML file named signature.html
    5. In Settings tab under "GCP Projet": add your projet Number (you'll get it in the next part)

    2. GCP Project

    1. Go to this link and create a project
    2. On the project Info card, you can see the "Project Number" copy it, and paste it in the Google script settings tab.
    3. Go to "APIs & Services" > Credentials > create a "Service Accounts" (you don't need roles)
    4. Edit that Service Account you just created and check "Enable G Suite domain-wide delegation" under "Service account status" and create a new json key (this will make you dowload a file, save it in a safe place, sharing this will result in a security leak in your G Suite domain (don't forget to add the OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY and OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_EMAIL in the script).

    3. Google Admin (G Suite's Organization page)

    1. Go to Security > API Controls > "Manage Domain-wide delegation"
    2. Add new and add this scopes:

    4. Conclusion

    It's now the part where you test the stuff, don't forget to create your signature via the signature.html file; look at the file to create something with user's info, it's pretty explicit.

    If you have any problems, feel free to post a comment, i'll do my best to answer you.