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VBScript - Verify input is IP, 3-digits per octet

I am a student learning VBScript. It was only a few days ago [grin], that I cut my teeth on programming in BASIC, DOS and Machine Code, so the basic concepts are not foreign, it has just been a bit.

Caveat - this is part of a graded assignment, guidance and understanding of the code is what is mainly being requested.

Trying to write a script for user input of IP address where each octet is in 3-digit format (leading zeros if necessary). This is the starting input

' Get IP address to convert
WScript.StdOut.Write("Please Enter your IP address (3 digits per octet) -> ")
strIP = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()

Trying to get the error-checking and having problems. Tried various ways but none seem to offer the desired output, if not fail with various VBScript errors when run.

Version 1:

Dim sMatch(15)
if sMatch = strIP Like "###.###.###.###" Then
   Wscript.Echo "The strings are equal."
   Wscript.Echo "The strings are not equal."
' WScript.Echo sMatch
End If

Version 2:

String str = StrComp("strIP", ""\###.\###.\###.\###"",vbTextCompare)
If str < 0 or str > 0 then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Improper IP format."

Version 3:

iFirstOct = Left(strIP,3)

z1 = strComp(iFirstOct, "###", 1)
WScript.Echo "z1 -> " & z1
WScript.Echo "IP -> " & iFirstOct
If z1 < 1 or z1 > 1 Then 
  WScript.Echo " Error in input !" 
End If

I sort of like Version 3 as I can subroutine this, but not sure which is a viable option. Any assistance to identify where I am erroring, and how, will be appreciated.

Caveat - this is part of a graded assignment, guidance and understanding of the code is what is mainly being requested.

-- Edit - 16-FEB-21 --


Here is the final script. I have run the different error scenario's and it appears to function the way I need it to. Thank you for your assistance.

' IP_func.vbs
'  By: Étienne Laneville
'    Minor modifications by DragonRider
'  From:
WScript.StdOut.Write("Please Enter your IP address (3 digits per octet) -> ")
strIP = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()
WScript.Echo vbCrLf & " Input -> " & vbTab & strIP & vbCrlf

' Call error-checking function

Function CheckIP(strIP)
    Dim arrOctets
    Dim iCounter
    Dim sOctet
    ' Check for periods
    If InStr(strIP, ".") = 0 Then
        CheckIP = False
        WScript.Echo " Incorrect number of octets. Please try again."
        Exit Function 
    End If

    ' Split string on periods
    arrOctets = Split(strIP, ".")
    ' Check that correct number of octets has been received
    If UBound(arrOctets) <> 3 Then
        CheckIP = False
        WScript.Echo " Incorrect number of octets. Please try again."
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' Check each octet
    For iCounter = 1 To 4
        sOctet = arrOctets(iCounter - 1)
        ' Check if it's numeric
        If Not IsNumeric(sOctet) Then
            CheckIP = False
            WScript.Echo " Improper IP Address. Please try again."
            Exit Function
        End If
        ' Check if 3 digits
'        Dim three As String
        If Not Len(sOctet) = 3 Then
            CheckIP = False
            WScript.Echo " 3-Digits per octet. Please try again."
            Exit Function
        End If
        ' Check for proper values
        If CInt(sOctet) > 255 Then
            CheckIP = False
            WScript.Echo " Octet out of range. Please try again."
            Exit Function
        End If
        If CInt(sOctet) < 0 Then
            CheckIP = False
            WScript.Echo " Improper IP Address. Please try again."
            Exit Function
        End If
    CheckIP = True

End Function


  • Here's a simple function that breaks things down into simple operations:

    Function CheckIP(strIP)
        Dim arrOctets
        Dim iCounter
        Dim sOctet
        ' Check for periods
        If InStr(strIP, ".") = 0 Then
            CheckIP = False
            Exit Function
        End If
        ' Split string on periods
        arrOctets = Split(strIP, ".")
        ' Check that correct number of octets has been received
        If UBound(arrOctets) <> 3 Then
            CheckIP = False
            Exit Function
        End If
        ' Check each octet
        For iCounter = 1 To 4
            sOctet = arrOctets(iCounter - 1)
            ' Check if it's numeric
            If Not IsNumeric(sOctet) Then
                CheckIP = False
                Exit Function
            End If
            ' Check for proper values
            If CInt(sOctet) > 255 Then
                CheckIP = False
                Exit Function
            End If
            If CInt(sOctet) < 0 Then
                CheckIP = False
                Exit Function
            End If
        CheckIP = True
    End Function