According to ES6 compatibility table, Safari has tail call optimization feature. Tried it and it fails just like any other browser ðŸ˜. Am I missing something?
function factorial(n, r = 1n) {
return (n <= 1) ? r : factorial(n - 1n, n * r)
Safari output:
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.
You need to run your program in strict mode.
"use strict";
function factorial(n, r = 1n) {
return n <= 1n ? r : factorial(n - 1n, n * r);
There are four conditions that need to be met in order for a function call to be considered a proper tail call.
- The calling function is in strict mode.
- The calling function is either a normal function or an arrow function.
- The calling function is not a generator function.
- The return value of the called function is returned by the calling function.
Source: ECMAScript 6 Proper Tail Calls in WebKit by Michael Saboff