I've got a GraphQL mutation using HotChocolate with the [Authorize]
attribute from HotChocolate.AspNetCore.Authorization
to enforce authorization on my GraphQL endpoints.
This works fine, I can only call the mutation once I'm logged in as an Admin ...
... but now I'd like to retrieve the user which is authorized, but I don't seem to find a way to do it.
[ExtendObjectType(Name = "Mutation")]
[Authorize(Roles = new[] { "Administrators" })]
public class MyMutations
public bool SomeMethod()
// In a regular Web API controller, you can do User.Identity.Name to fetch the user name of the current user. What is the equivalent in Hot Chocolate?
var userName = "";
return false;
Any ideas?
HotChocolate uses the asp.net core authentication mechanisms, so you can get the user using the HttpContext.
[ExtendObjectType(Name = "Mutation")]
[Authorize(Roles = new[] { "Administrators" })]
public class MyMutations
public bool SomeMethod([Service] IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
var user = contextAccessor.HttpContext.User; // <-> There is your user
// In a regular Web API controller, you can do User.Identity.Name to fetch the user name of the current user. What is the equivalent in Hot Chocolate?
var userName = "";
return false;