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ReactJS Chat Websockets emits message twice

I have a Chat component which works fine on the happy flow but when I go on another view (meaning I exit the chat component) and come back after that in the chat component, I get duplicates messages.

I placed an console.log into the function which is triggered by the enter event but it displays only once. However, the emit from inside trigger twice I think because on the server side (nodeJs) I get the data twice.

This is my code:

function Chat() {     
    let [chatInput, setChatInput] = useState('');   
    let [chatArea, setChatArea] = useState([]);     

    const handleOnChange = (e) => {

    useEffect(() => {                      
        const addTextMessage = (event) => {
            if (event.keyCode === 13 && chatInput.value !== '') {                
                socket.emit('chat', {
                    message: chatInput.value

        const chatInput = document.querySelector('.chat-input input');
        chatInput.addEventListener("keyup", addTextMessage, false);

        socket.on('chat', (data) => {
            setChatArea(prevInputState => (                    
                [...prevInputState, <section key={prevInputState.length}>{data.sender}: {data.message}</section>]

        return () => {            
            chatInput.removeEventListener("keyup", addTextMessage, false);                

    }, []);

    return (
            <section className="chat-room">
                <div className="chat-area">
                <div className="chat-input">
                    <input value={chatInput} onChange={handleOnChange} type="text" />


  • I found the problem. Contrary to what I was thinking, the issue was coming from my server side.

    I have placed my nsSocket.on('chat', (data) => { by mistake inside another nsSocket.on(' and after I extracted it outside, the problems were fixed.