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Stata: importing txt with several multi character delimiters

I have data with very odd delimiters:

1,|ABC1|,|BUD|,|Fed Budget & Appropriations|,|t1|
2,|ABC2|,|LBR|,|Labor, Antitrust & Workplace|,|t2|

So the delimiter is a comma and each variable, but the first one (the identifier) is between two pipes. The problem is that the fourth variable also uses commas, so I can't simply use commas as delimiters and delete the pipes. I have found a way to work the data by doing some find and replace operations through the terminal, but I would like to do this through Stata. Does anyone have an idea how to?


  • I put your data example into a text file and found that the delimiters were detected quite well automatically. Then I dropped any variable that was all commas or all missing, using findname from the Stata Journal.

    . import delimited "troublesome.txt"
    (9 vars, 3 obs)
    . list 
         | v1     v2   v3    v4   v5                             v6   v7   v8   v9 |
      1. | 1,   ABC1    ,   BUD    ,    Fed Budget & Appropriations    ,   t1    . |
      2. | 2,   ABC2    ,   LBR    ,   Labor, Antitrust & Workplace    ,   t2    . |
      3. | 3,   ABC3    ,   UNM    ,                   Unemployment    ,   t1    . |
    . findname, all(@ == ",")
    v3  v5  v7
    . drop `r(varlist)'
    . findname, all(missing(@))
    . drop `r(varlist)'
    . destring v1, ignore(",") replace
    v1: character , removed; replaced as byte
    . list 
         | v1     v2    v4                             v6   v8 |
      1. |  1   ABC1   BUD    Fed Budget & Appropriations   t1 |
      2. |  2   ABC2   LBR   Labor, Antitrust & Workplace   t2 |
      3. |  3   ABC3   UNM                   Unemployment   t1 |