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How do I decrease the length of imports for my custom package?

I have a package called "library". The directory structure looks like this:






Currently, the import looks like:

import library.src.pkg1 as pkg1

The pyproject.toml contains:

requires = ["setuptools"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

name = "library"
version = "0.0.1"
dependencies = []

How do I make it so that the import is shorter? Ideally:

import library.pkg1


  • In the library/ file, you can import the modules from the src subpackage and expose them at the package level. This way, when users import library.pkg1, it will internally reference library.src.pkg1.

    Update library/ like this:

    from .src.pkg1 import *
    from .src.pkg2 import *

    This makes all the contents of and available directly under library.


    Now, you can import the modules like this:

    import library.pkg1
    import library.pkg2

    or directly import specific items from those modules:

    from library.pkg1 import SomeClassOrFunction
    from library.pkg2 import AnotherClassOrFunction