on Mac Terminal, or RPi, I would like to read & check the file names of installation files on a dropbox web page (do not want to replicate locally first).
The dropbox page has installation files for Victron - they update it regularly with new versions - want to check via command line / bash periodically if new version has been published.
I tried curl with several of the options, and the URL, none of them writes out the contents of above page?
You can use the Dropbox API to programmatically interact with shared links.
You can use the /2/sharing/get_shared_link_metadata endpoint to get information about the shared link:
If the shared link points to a folder, you can use /2/files/list_folder[/continue], with the shared_link
parameter on /2/files/list_folder, to list the contents of the folder:
You can also use /2/sharing/get_shared_link_file to download a particular file from a shared link: