I am used to jQuery, which has a delegate()
method. So let's say I have HTML like this:
<div id="covers">
<a href="#"><img ... /></a>
<a href="#"><img ... /></a>
<a href="#"><img ... /></a>
<a href="#"><img ... /></a>
<a href="#"><img ... /></a>
<a href="#"><img ... /></a>
...lots anchors here...
In jQuery, I can bind events to the parent div and not attach individual handlers to new, dynamically added anchors using delegate()
like so:
$('#covers').delegate('a', 'click', function(){
/// stuff I want to do
var clickedAnchor = $(this);
What would the equivalent code be in Prototype?
Prototype's philosophy is that you do it more like in pure javaScript only with added cross-browser abstractions (plus releasing once a year, plus polluting native prototypes).
So there's no You can use Event#findElement though.delegate
in Prototype.
$('covers').observe('click', function (event) {
var link = event.findElement('a');
if (link) {
// ...
Edit: There is delegate
in Prototype: http://api.prototypejs.org/dom/Event/on/!
$('covers').on('click', 'a', function (event, element) {
// ...