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Parameter pack extension for variable number of std::pair elements does not work as expected

My use-case: I want to build a constexpr map with constant content and size declared at compile time. I'm using C++ 14. This is my current basic approach on that container:

template <typename KeyType, typename ValueType, size_t size>
struct ConstantMap
    using PairType = std::pair<KeyType, ValueType>;

    using StorageType = std::array<PairType, size>;

    const StorageType storage;

    constexpr ValueType at (const KeyType& key) const
        const auto it = std::find_if (storage.begin(), storage.end(), [&key] (const auto& v) { return v.first == key; });

        if (it != storage.end())
            return it.second;

        throw std::range_error ("ConstantMap: Key not found");

    constexpr ValueType operator[] (const KeyType& key) const { return at (key); }

What works is initializing it like this:

constexpr std::array<std::pair<int, int>, 2> values =
    { 1, 2 },
    { 3, 4 }

constexpr ConstantMap<int, int, 2> myMap {{ values }};

I'd like to simplify this by a makeConstantMap function that takes a parameter pack of pairs and returns a map with the correct size and key/value types, like this:

constexpr auto myMap = makeConstantMap<int, int> ({ 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 });

My approach on that is

template <typename KeyType, typename ValueType, typename... Values>
constexpr ConstantMap<KeyType, ValueType, sizeof...(Values)> makeConstantMap (std::pair<KeyType, Values>&&... pairs)
    return {{ std::forward<std::pair<KeyType, Values>> (pairs)... }};

Which fails with candidate template ignored: substitution failure [with KeyType = int, ValueType = int]: deduced incomplete pack <(no value), (no value)> for template parameter 'Values'. Live example here.

It seems that my assumption that a parameter pack as template argument in std::pair should create a parameter pack typed to std::pair is wrong. How do I get this working or is it even possible to make it work the way I'd like it to?


  • Maybe passing through an old C-style array?

    template <typename KT, typename VT, std::size_t Dim, std::size_t ... Is>
    constexpr auto mcp_helper (std::pair<KT, VT> const (& arr)[Dim],
     { return ConstantMap<KT, VT, Dim>{{ arr[Is]... }}; }
    template <typename KT, typename VT, std::size_t Dim>
    constexpr auto makeConstantMap (std::pair<KT, VT> const (& arr)[Dim])
     { return mcp_helper<KT, VT>(arr, std::make_index_sequence<Dim>{}); }
    // ...
    auto x = makeConstantMap<int, int>({{1, 2}, {3, 4}});