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How to properly use a target of an importing build file?

I am pretty new to ant and extended an existing build file a.xml:

I created an additional build file b.xml which is imported by a.xml. The target example defined in b.xml provides a new (optional) feature when building with ant, that requires the ${version} property. The ${version} property is created/provided by the target determine.version in a.xml.

To ensure the existence/access of ${version} in b.xml I've added the depends="determine.version" parameter to the target example in b.xml. Thereby, I've added an dependency to a non-resolvable target, when running b.xml solely (which is not intended).

The question:

I don't feel comfortable with this solution and want to ask whether there is a cleaner way to ensure the existence and access of ${version} in b.xml.


<project name="a" basedir="." >
   <target name="determine.version">


   <import file="b.xml" as="b" />


<project name="b" basedir="." >
   <target name="example" depends="determine.version">
      do with ${version}


I am thankful for any advice, recommendation or comment to this!


  • If you wish to keep b.xml such that it will work when used directly / independently of a.xml, one solution would be to setup b.xml with its own determine.version target and override that target in a.xml.

    b.xml would need:

    <target name="determine.version">
      ... does nothing or whatever is needed to satisfy b's "example" target when a.xml not used

    a.xml can then override determine.version and depend on the default implementation in b.xml so it is called in the correct position when evaluating b.xml's "example" target. The way to reference a dependency of imports is to specify {buildfile}.targetname - in this case b.determine.version - assuming that you want both a+b's determine.version to run:

    <target name="determine.version" depends="b.determine.version">


    The above setup is awkward in that the names used in a/b xml are linked. Instead you could try out extension-point in ant builds which makes names in a depend on b, but not both ways. It would need something like this:

    b.xml - B declares an extension point that referenced by "example":

    <extension-point name="setupversion" />
    <target name="example" depends="setupversion">

    a.xml - A declares a target (which does not need to be called determine.version) that will run before all targets that depend on "setupversion"

    <import file="b.xml" />
    <target name="determine.version" extensionOf="setupversion">