I have a gem which implements my entire business logic, so that I can use it in different applications. Now, one of these applications requires persistence. How do I easily extend my existing Ruby models to support persistence? Should I monkey patch them?
To give you a bit of a background, my model objects are usually just built from XML or JSON files, but now I need to store them in an relational database.
Are there common patterns for this problem? Should I write new model objects that support persistence and map between my legacy objects and the new model objects or should I extend the existing ones to be representable in a database?
Any tips, hints, and links are highly welcome.
I am not sure that I fully understand your question. However, the DataMapper library can be very easily used to add persistence to an already existing object model after the fact, for two reasons:
Now, whether or not you will manage to keep the persistence aspect fully orthogonal, and e.g. in a separate gem, that's another question. You could indeed keep it in a separate library that just opens up all the model classes and include DataMapper::Resource
and declare all the properties. This will allow you to still deploy your object model gem without persistence, but the persistence gem will obviously be rather tightly coupled to the object model gem.