I feed JSON to some webhook to trigger a notification (M$ Teams). This works well. However, I want to extend my Perl script: I need to add a new node to my "messagecard" construct on a certain condition.
E.g. I defined this:
my $payload={};
$payload = {
'@type' => 'MessageCard',
'@context' => 'http://schema.org/extensions',
themeColor => $event{COLOR},
text => $event{SERVICEOUTPUT},
sections => [{
facts => [{
name => 'Type',
potentialAction => [{
'@type' => "OpenUri",
name => "View Monitoring",
targets => [{
os => "default",
uri => $naemon_url
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $req = POST($opt_webhook
, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
, 'Content' => encode_json($payload)
my $resp = $ua->request($req);
And if (conditon), I want to extend this as follows (order is important):
$payload = {
'@type' => 'MessageCard',
'@context' => 'http://schema.org/extensions',
themeColor => $event{COLOR},
text => $event{SERVICEOUTPUT},
sections => [{
facts => [{
name => 'Type',
potentialAction => [{
'@type' => "OpenUri",
name => "View Monitoring",
targets => [{
os => "default",
uri => $naemon_url
'@type' => "OpenUri",
name => "Notes (Logs, Docs,..)",
targets => [{
os => "default",
uri => $event{SERVICENOTESURL}
I am unsure how this can be achieved. Can anyone please provide wisdom how to tackle this?
You can push into the array reference that you've got inside your potentialAction
key. In order to do that, you need to dereference it as an array.
my $payload = {
'@type' => 'MessageCard',
potentialAction => [{
name => "View Monitoring",
targets => [{
os => "default",
if ($maybe) {
push @{ $payload->{potentialAction} }, {
name => "Notes (Logs, Docs,..)",
targets => [{
os => "default",
If your Perl version is 5.24 or newer you can also use postfix dereferencing, which some people find easier to read.
push $payload->{potentialAction}->@*, ...
See perlref and perlreftut for more information.