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How to add variable value to the name of another variable in java?

I'm trying to make a minecraft plugin. I want it to create variable for every player. I'm using "for" for the loop. I'm trying to add the player's name to the variable's name. Can anyone help?

String name = "";
            for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
                name = p.getName();
                int cheatdetection+name = 0;
                int looking = (Math.round(p.getLocation().getPitch()) + 270) % 360;
                int currentlooking = looking;
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {                      
                    if(looking > currentlooking+20 || looking < currentlooking-20) {
                if(cheatdetection >= 10) {
                    Bukkit.getBanList(Type.NAME).addBan(p.getName(), "You have been banned for using Baritone", todate1, "HackMiner Detection");
                    p.kickPlayer("HackMiner Detection");


  • It sounds like you want a Map with a key for every player. A Map creates an association between one variable (a key) and another (a value). Values are set using the put(key, value) method, and they retrieved using 'get(key)'

    // Create an Integer counter for every player, initialized to zero.
    Map<Player, Integer> playerCheatCounter = new HashMap<>();
    for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
       playerCheatCounter.put(p, 0);
    // Now to use it:
    for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
      int looking = p.getPitch();
      int currentlyLooking = p.getPitch();
      if (looking > currentlyLooking + 20) {
        // Increment counter for the current player
        playerCheatCounter.put(p, 1 + playerCheatCounter.get(p));
        // Check the stored value for the current player
        if (playerCheatCounter.get(p) > 10) {
         // Ban player

    Edit: Fixed some syntax errors