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Jquery clicking on Li not doing show/hide as it should

I am having an issue with my jquery not showing and hiding the appropriate elements. I have a list of items that pertain to a specific section for an FAQ, and when each Li is clicked, it should hide all of the sections except the one it belongs to. This was working just fine, until I added "a" tags inside of the li's, because each needs to have a specific link. When I did this, for some reason, only the first section is shown and all of the other ones are not, no matter which one I click.

Here is the code


    <div class="faq-intro">
      <div class="faq-list">
        <ul id="main-nav">
          <li class="nav active"><a href="#shipping">Shipping</a></li>
          <li class="nav"><a href="#returns">returns</a></li>
          <li class="nav"><a href="#custom">Custom Orders</a></li>
          <li class="nav"><a href="#replacements">Replacements/ Warranty</a></li>
          <li class="nav"><a href="#mostFAQs">Most Frequently Asked Questions</a></li>
          <li class="nav"><a href="#RAD">RAD Principles</a></li>
          <li class="nav"><a href="#environmental">Environmental Stewardship</a></li>
          <li class="nav"><a href="#USA">MADE in the USA</a></li>
    <div class="second-faq-container">

      <div class="faq-container">
        main section content
      <div class="faq-container">
        main section content
      <div class="faq-container">
        main section content
      <div class="faq-container">
        main section content
      <div class="faq-container">
        main section content
      <div class="faq-container">
        main section content
      <div class="faq-container">
        main section content
      <div class="faq-container">
        main section content



  constructor($navigation, $content) {
    this.$navigation = $navigation;
    this.$content = $content;

    this.$navigation.on("click", ".nav", (event) => {

the parameters being used are:

  new Faq($("#main-nav"), $("div.faq-container"));


  • The handling tweak is in the navigation handler on .nav. I moved that handling into the constructor for getting errors with the code as-is, without the rest of the class.

    Try the runnable example below. I added a number to each section content to show which reference appears with the relative link that is clicked.

    class Faq {
      constructor($navigation, $content) {
        this.$navigation = $navigation;
        this.$content = $content;
        this.$navigation.on("click", ".nav", (event) => {
            // The references <a> tags, so use
            // the related index based those tags within the parent.
            $(this.$content[$('#main-nav li a').index(]).show();
    new Faq($("#main-nav"), $("div.faq-container"));
    <script src=""></script>
        <div class="faq-intro">
          <div class="faq-list">
            <ul id="main-nav">
              <li class="nav active"><a href="#shipping">Shipping</a></li>
              <li class="nav"><a href="#returns">returns</a></li>
              <li class="nav"><a href="#custom">Custom Orders</a></li>
              <li class="nav"><a href="#replacements">Replacements/ Warranty</a></li>
              <li class="nav"><a href="#mostFAQs">Most Frequently Asked Questions</a></li>
              <li class="nav"><a href="#RAD">RAD Principles</a></li>
              <li class="nav"><a href="#environmental">Environmental Stewardship</a></li>
              <li class="nav"><a href="#USA">MADE in the USA</a></li>
        <div class="second-faq-container">
          <div class="faq-container">
            main section content 1
          <div class="faq-container">
            main section content 2
          <div class="faq-container">
            main section content 3
          <div class="faq-container">
            main section content 4
          <div class="faq-container">
            main section content 5
          <div class="faq-container">
            main section content 6
          <div class="faq-container">
            main section content 7
          <div class="faq-container">
            main section content 8