I have been trying to convert multiple large ada compilations from a script based approach to using a gnu make 3.82 makefile and could use some veteran knowledge.
Some background:
My approach:
FILE:= 'input' #read input from file
OBJECTS:=$(shell cat ${FILE}) #need to do this, no file function in gnu make 3.82
FPOBJECTS:= $(addprefix ../../src/, $(OBJECTS)) # path + source name from pwd
OBJFILE:=$(notdir $(OBJECTS)) #just get out source file name
PDIR:=$(addprefix ../../src/, $(addsuffix prepped/ , $(dir $(OBJECTS)))) #just get out directory part of objects, add prepped/ suffix and ../../src to beginning
CDIR:= $(addprefix ../../src/, $(addsuffix chopped/ , $(dir $(OBJECTS))))# same as PDIR but with chopped/ instead of prepped/
CDIR2:= $(sort $(CDIR)) # unique directories in CDIR for folder creation
PDIR2:= $(sort $(PDIR)) # unique directories in PDIR for folder creation
DIRS:= OBJ TMP SRC #directories inside lib/version*
POBJECTS:= $(basename $(join $(PDIR), $(OBJFILE))) # join prepped directory with objects
COBJECTS = $(addprefix OBJ/, $(notdir $(wildcard SRC/*))) # this is an incorrect way to generate the objects needed, but does allow me to pass each source file for compilation
GNATOPTIONS:= -c -O1 -w -fPIC -gnatE -gnatv -LSRC/ # gcc flags
CDIRwld:=$(shell echo $(addsuffix *, $(CDIR2))) #append * to each unique chopped directory, to try and get names of each chopped file
#compile creates the COBJECTS in the pwd and moves them where they belong
compile : $(COBJECTS)
>mv *.ali OBJ/
>mv *.o OBJ/
copy : $(CDIRwld)
>cp $? SRC/
prep : $(POBJECTS)
>gnatprep -cru -Dlil $(addsuffix .ada, $(subst prepped/,,$@)) $(basename $@)
>gnatchop -rw $@ $(subst prepped/,chopped/,$(dir $@))
>mkdir -p $@
>mkdir -p $@
>mkdir -p $@
.PHONY: clean move
clean :
>rm -f -r $(DIRS)
>rm -f -r $(PDIR2)
>rm -f -r $(CDIR2)
move :
>mv *.ali OBJ/
>mv *.o OBJ/
There’s a one-to-one correspondence between files that go into being prepped and files that go into being chopped.
It’d be a good idea if you can to leave it to GNAT to know when it needs to compile the spec, and to know about dependencies - especially non-obvious ones like inlining and generic bodies.
A very simple makefile (works with Make 3.81) might be:
SOURCES = foo.ada bar.ada
DEFS = defs.def
CHOPPED_STAMPS = $(addsuffix .chopped, $(SOURCES))
compile: $(CHOPPED_STAMPS)
cd obj; gnatmake -c ../chopped/*
%.prepped: %
gnatprep $< prepped/ $(DEFS)
touch $@
%.chopped: %.prepped
gnatchop -w prepped/$(basename $<) chopped/
touch $@
It has the slight disadvantage of littering the current directory with .prepped
, .chopped
stamp files, but they could be put into a subdirectory.
A worse problem is that the gnatprep
stage depends on the definitions file, I haven’t worked out how to introduce that dependency into the implicit rule.
I used gnatmake
to do the compilation, on the whole it’d be better to use gprbuild
, if you have it, with a library project. The GPRBuild RM is a bit of a challenge, and that link is to the current version, so some of the facilities will probably be missing.