I have an existing project where I am adding gettext support. Unfortunately, due to the project's structure and limitations, I cannot go through the recommended route of changing the project over to automake. Also unfortunately, my make-fu is pretty weak and I'm having troubles implementing rules to build my output archive:
Here's what I have so far
MSGOBJ=$(addprefix $(TARGET_BUILD_PATH)/$(target)/,$(MSG_SRC:.po=.mo))
$(TARGET_BUILD_PATH)/$(target)/msg/%.mo: msg/%.po
msgfmt -c $< -o $@
# Put in correct place
mkdir -p $(TARGET_BUILD_PATH)/$(target)/msg/$(*F)/LC_MESSAGES
cp $@ $(TARGET_BUILD_PATH)/$(target)/msg/$(*F)/LC_MESSAGES/myapp.mo
archive: $(MSGOBJ) (other objs....)
(make the archive tarball...)
The problem with the existing code is that for some reason $(*F) comes out just * instead of the locale name (the .po files are named en_US.po, etc). It also seems incorrect because the target should be the real target, not the hacky msgfmt and copy I have. The directory structure is important because the makefile is run a few times for different cross-compiles ($(target)) and the output is archived into a tarball for installation on the devices.
I assume you can use GNU make.
First of all, let make expand the wildcards. This is important for later postprocessing:
MSGSRC=$(wildcard msg/*.po)
Now you should get lists of file names in MSGSRC and MSGOBJ. Additionally, the make manual marks $(F) as obsolete, and $ (the stem of the name) should contain just the locale. So,
mkdir -p $(TARGET_BUILD_PATH)/$(target)/msg/$*/LC_MESSAGES
should do the trick just fine, the same for the cp rule.