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Is there a way to print a string-type variable in C++ via the ncurses library?

I have been constantly trying to print out a string type variable via ncurses' functions since "cout" is not working by the time I am typing in the "initscr()" command. I have created an array of string variables and I am trying to print each and every single one of the strings out on a window. The result I am getting is some nonsense words. Here's the most critical parts of my code:

string *filetypes = new string[4];
filetypes[0] = ".png";
filetypes[1] = ".jpeg";
filetypes[2] = ".jpg";
filetypes[3] = ".gif";
WINDOW *menu = newwin(height, width, y, x);
box(menu, 0, 0);
keypad(menu, true);
selection = menuShow(filetypes, 4, menu);

I am printing the array's values via the "menuShow" function. Here is the function's code as well:

int menuShow(string *choices, int opt, WINDOW *menu)

int i, highlight = 0;
wchar_t buttonPress;
    for(i = 0; i < opt; i++)
        //xrwmatizei thn epilegmenh praksh sthn opoia vrisketai o cursor
        if(i == highlight)
            wattron(menu, A_REVERSE);
            mvwprintw(menu, i + 1, 1, "%s", choices[i]);
            wattroff(menu, A_REVERSE);
            mvwprintw(menu, i + 1, 1, "%s", choices[i]);
    buttonPress = wgetch(menu);
        case KEY_UP:
            if(highlight == -1)
        case KEY_DOWN:
            if(highlight > (opt - 1))

}while(buttonPress != 10);

return highlight;

The output I am getting is:


Any idea?

By the way, note that after the "endwin();" line, I am printing out the array's strings using cout and they are being printed normally. I think that the reason why this happens is due to the fact that "printw()" and ncurses' functions in general do not support "string" formats. So, my question is: Is there any possible method to print out a string type variable after the "initscr();" line?


  • The menuShow uses the same type formatters as printf().

    So "%s" is expecting a C-String (or char*).

    You are proividing a std::string which is not the same.

    int menuShow(string *choices, int opt, WINDOW *menu)
        ... STUFF
        mvwprintw(menu, i + 1, 1, "%s", choices[i]);
                                        ^^^^^^^^^^ this is a std::string

    What you want to do is convert the std::string into a char* you can do this by calling c_str().

        mvwprintw(menu, i + 1, 1, "%s", choices[i].c_str());
                                               // ^^^^^^^^

    You are using ncurses a (very cool but) C library. The problem here is the C language is not ss type safe as C++. In this case the C language provides variable number of arguments to mvwprintw() unfortunately the types of these arguments are not specified so the compiler does not check if you are passing a valid type (and thus no warning or error).

    Note: C++ still provides this old style interface for backwards compatibility with C but in more modern C++ libraries you would use template varargs so that we can explicitly make sure the types are correct.