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Filter values from HashMap<Integer, List<Object>> using Java8 concepts

My input:
A hashmap with structure HashMap<Integer, List<Parent>> where List<Parent> can have instances of Child objects inside it.

My Expectation:
Using Java8 streams concept extract a subset of the HashMap<Integer, List<Parent>> where objects inside the List are instaceOf Child Class and finder attribute of Child class has a specific value (ex. test)


1=[Child [finder=test], Parent [], Child [finder=test]],
2=[Child [finder=text], Parent [], Parent []],
3=[Child [finder=test], Child [finder=test], Parent []]


1=[Child [finder=test], Child [finder=test]],
3=[Child [finder=test], Child [finder=test]]


Below is my class structure where there is Parent class and a Child class. Also there is Hashmap object where key is an Integer and values as List<Parent>.

class Parent {

    public String toString() {
        return "Parent []";

class Child extends Parent{
    public String finder;
    public Child(String f) {
        this.finder = f;
    public String toString() {
        return "Child [finder=" + finder + "]";


  • Test data

    Map<Integer, List<Parent>> map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put(1, List.of(new Child("test"),new Parent(),
            new Child("test"), new Child("Foo"), new Parent()));
    map.put(2, List.of(new Parent(), new Child("text")));
    map.put(3, List.of(new Parent(), new Child("Bar"), 
            new Child("test"), new Parent()));


    • first map the map entries to individual entries of the key and each value element of the list.
    • then filter on instance of Child and finder type.
    • the group on key (integer) and put children into a list
    Map<Integer, List<Parent>> map2 = map.entrySet().stream()
            .flatMap((Entry<Integer, List<Parent>> e) -> e
                    .map(v -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(
                            e.getKey(), v)))
            .filter(obj -> obj.getValue() instanceof Child && 


    1=[Child [finder=test], Child [finder=test]]
    3=[Child [finder=test]]

    I added a getter to the Child class to retrieve the finder value.