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how to load a pane from a different controller into a vbox in the center pane

I have a borderpane with buttons in the TopPane to load views into the leftpane of the borderpane then upon loading the leftpane a button to load a view into a vbox in the centerpane

public class Main extends Application {
    public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception{
        //this is to load the parent (borderpane)

        FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("/Views/fxml/main.fxml"));
        //this is to create a controller for the parent view

        loader.setController(new MainController());
        Parent root = loader.load();
        Scene scene = new Scene(root);
     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {

then the Main

public class MainController implements Initializable {
    protected BorderPane borderPane;

    // This is a VBox occupying the Centerpane of the Borderpane

    protected VBox centerPane;

public MainController(){         
    public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {

// This loads the layout1 into the left pane of the borderpane from button handler inside the Top pane

    private void showLayout1(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
        FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
        loader.setLocation(getClass().getResource( "/Views/fxml/Layout1.fxml"));
        loader.setController(new Controller1());

public class Layout1Controller implements Initializable{
    private MainController app;
    public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb){        
    private void ShowLayout2(ActionEvent event) throws IOException{
        FXMLLoader loader2 = new FXMLLoader();
       loader2.setController(new Controller2());

// This is returning a null causing a java.lang.NullPointerException



<BorderPane fx:id="border_pane" prefHeight="650.0" prefWidth="1018.0" style=" type="BorderPane" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="">
      <VBox fx:id="leftPane" alignment="CENTER" prefHeight="569.0" prefWidth="215.0"  />
      <VBox fx:id="centerPane" alignment="CENTER" prefHeight="586.0" prefWidth="701.0"  BorderPane.alignment="CENTER">
      <HBox prefHeight="81.0" prefWidth="876.0" >
     <Button fx:id="btnSGRE" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#ShowLayout1" prefHeight="26.0" prefWidth="151.0" style="-fx-background-color: transparent;" text="REVENUE ENTRIES" textFill="#11124a">
     <Font name="Century" size="13.0" />


<AnchorPane prefHeight="565.0" prefWidth="215.0"  xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" >
      <VBox alignment="BASELINE_CENTER" layoutY="40.0" prefHeight="415.0" prefWidth="215.0" >
            <Text strokeType="OUTSIDE" strokeWidth="0.0" text="Revenue Entries">
                  <Font name="System Bold" size="18.0" />
            <HBox alignment="BASELINE_CENTER" maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="35.0" prefWidth="173.0" >
                  <ComboBox fx:id="cmbRevGroup" onAction="#setCenters" prefHeight="35.0" prefWidth="195.0" promptText="Main Revenue Centers"/>
            <HBox alignment="BASELINE_CENTER" maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="35.0" prefWidth="173.0">
                  <ComboBox fx:id="cmbRevCent" onAction="#SelectedCenter" prefHeight="35.0" prefWidth="195.0" promptText="Revenue Centers"/>
     <Button  mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#ShowLayout2" prefHeight="43.0" prefWidth="142.0"  text="Revenue Entries" />

Now when I access the VBox, centerPane in mainController from Controller1 it gives me a nullpointer error So please any help on how to load layout2 into the centerPane from Controller1


  • Okay so finally it was able to get the centerPane to load layout2.fxml. So all I had to do was create a get method for the centerPane pass the MainController when creating Layout1Controller in ShowLayout1

    MainController code:

    public class MainController implements Initializable {
    protected BorderPane borderPane;
        // This is a VBox occupying the Centerpane of the Borderpane
    private VBox centerPane;
    public VBox getCenterPane(){
             return centerPane;
    public MainController(){         
        public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
    // This loads the layout1 into the left pane of the borderpane from button handler inside the Top pane
        private void showLayout1(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
            FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
            loader.setLocation(getClass().getResource( "/Views/fxml/Layout1.fxml"));
            loader.setController(new Controller1());
            Layout1Controller controller = (Layout1Controller)loader.getController();

    Layout1Controller code:

    public class Layout1Controller implements Initializable{
        private MainController app;
        public void setMainController(MainController app){
    = app;
        public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb){        
        private void showLayout2(ActionEvent event) throws IOException{
            FXMLLoader loader2 = new FXMLLoader();
           loader2.setController(new Controller2());
    // This is returning a null causing a java.lang.NullPointerException