I've search for several hours how to hide a specific content type.
I found some post but they are too older and their solutions doesn't work in the actual's strapi.
For precisions, my collection type is declared inside a local plugin. I juste want to manage my collection inside the plugin page and I doesn't want it appear in the content type in the left menu.
If someone has a solution, it's can be really helpfull.
They are working on this: https://github.com/strapi/rfcs/pull/22
But for now, based on official docs (plugin customization), you can overwrite file in content-manager plugin.
Be sure to check this file on strapi updates to avoid overwriting important code.
Copy file strapi-plugin-content-manager/services/data-mapper.js
from your app node_modules into extensions/content-manager/services/
Now edit this file in your project and add your content type to array HIDDEN_CONTENT_TYPES
following this pattern: plugins::[plugin-name].[content-type]
For example: plugins::ecommerce.product