Similar to this post I am trying to implement FileOpenPicker into my hololens 2 app. However, I am doing this through the Mixed Reality Toolkit in unity and have been having some troubles finding out how to set up the contract within the app.
I know the post I linked above directs you to FileOpenPicker which is what I have been trying to do but I'm a bit confused about the samples they have and how to do that within unity C#.
Any recommendations on how to get this working would be a big help. Thanks!
There is also This post that helps with how to use FileOpenPicker but it's directed at standalone UWP apps and not something built in unity.
So for anyone who stumbles across this post, as of 2/8/2021 using FileOpenPicker with no other installed apps on the Hololens 2 doesn't work.
It took me forever to find this post but here's a partial answer Open local data path with FileOpenPicker
So to make a TL;DR about that post. FileOpenPicker DOES work on Hololens, however, it works through externally installed File picker like OneDrive.
I don't know why I didn't find this post sooner until I went down every avenue to figure it out.
EDIT: I managed to solve my issue over on THIS POST if there is anyone stumbling across this issue hopefully that helps.