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Can't pass the value to the function

I am trying to make a condition that if the value in the column is equal to the new column that I will be making is post the value from my else. But my function can't get the values from my data. Any advice?

function MainGroupChoice{        
    param (
        [Parameter(ValuefromPipeline = $true)][String] $value1,
        [Parameter(ValuefromPipeline = $true)][String] $value2,
        [Parameter(ValuefromPipeline = $true)][String] $choice1,
        [Parameter(ValuefromPipeline = $true)][String] $choice2

    if ($value1 -eq $value2) {
        Add-Member -NotePropertyName MainGroup -NotePropertyValue $choice1 -PassThru  -Force
    else {
        Add-Member -NotePropertyName MainGroup -NotePropertyValue $choice2 -PassThru  -Force

$table2 = $NestedGroupUsers | MainGroupChoice -choice1 $ -choice2 $groupNestedName -value1 $table2.ParentGroup -value2 $nestedmember.distinguishedName

I got this error

The input object cannot
     | be bound to any
     | parameters for the
     | command either because
     | the command does not
     | take pipeline input or
     | the input and its
     | properties do not match
     | any of the parameters
     | that take pipeline
     | input.


  • I've answered your question below, but I feel obligated to tell you that this one-liner can likely accomplish the same as all the code below:

    $nestedGroups |Select Value*,@{Name='MainGroup';Expression={if($_.value1 -eq $_.value2){$_.choice1}else{$_.choice2}}}

    It looks like you'll want to:

    1. Declare a parameter to receive the whole input object (so you can modify and/or return it later), and then
    2. Mark the remaining parameters ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName (instead of ValuefromPipeline), and finally
    3. Move the code into an explicit process {} block - this will ensure it's executed once for each input object bound via the pipeline
    function MainGroupChoice {
        param (
            [Parameter(ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)][String] $Value1,
            [Parameter(ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)][String] $Value2,
            [Parameter(ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)][String] $Choice1,
            [Parameter(ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)][String] $Choice2
        process {
            if ($value1 -eq $value2) {
                return $InputObject |Add-Member -NotePropertyName MainGroup -NotePropertyValue $choice1 -PassThru  -Force
            else {
                return $InputObject |Add-Member -NotePropertyName MainGroup -NotePropertyValue $choice2 -PassThru  -Force

    Testing with some mock input:

        Value1 = 123
        Value2 = 123
        Choice1 = "Pick me!"
        Choice2 = "Not me..."
        Value1 = 123
        Value2 = 456
        Choice1 = "Not me..."
        Choice2 = "Pick me!"
    ) |MainGroupChoice |Select Value*,MainGroup

    ... and we should expect output like:

    Value1 Value2 MainGroup
    ------ ------ ---------
       123    123 Pick me!
       123    456 Pick me!