say I have following JSON structure:
"broken clouds":"poloblačno",
"clear sky":"číra obloha",
"few clouds":"nízka oblačnost",
"haze":"mierna hmla",
"heavy intensity rain":"intenzívne pršanie",
"heavy snow":"intenzívne sneženie",
"light intensity drizzle":"mrholenie slabej intenzitz",
"light rain":"mierny dážď",
"light rain and snow":"mierne pršanie a sneženie",
"light shower snow":"mierne prehánky",
"light snow":"mierne sneženie",
"moderate rain":"stredný dážď",
"overcast clouds":"zatiahnute",
"scattered clouds":"rozptýlené oblaky",
Say I want to copy keys only. I can select multiple lines by creating more cursors with 'ALT+SHIFT+ARROW UP/DOWN' Since my keys have uneven number of spaces between them, selecting all text till ':' symbol with 'CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW LEFT/RIGHT' is with my knowledge not doable. How could I solve it?
Ctrl + F - type your symbol, then press alt+enter
Works in VS code and Webstorm