I'm working on a uni project based on blockchain, and I have to audit our system, check known attacks, ect. This the the document that I check, principaly, since i start to work on smart contracts issues first : Known-attack ethereum smart contract
I have trouble understanding the example used in the "Dos With (unexpected) revert attack" part. I share the code :
contract Auction {
address currentLeader;
uint highestBid;
function bid() payable {
require(msg.value > highestBid);
require(currentLeader.send(highestBid)); // Refund the old leader, if it fails then revert
currentLeader = msg.sender;
highestBid = msg.value;
They say that an attacker could force the call of bid to revert everytime so no-one is able to bid, which would make the attacker win the auction by default. But.. How would he do that, that's the part I don't get. Do we agree that at least this piece of contract is the "valid one", and isn't a payload ? If the payload is a contract, can anyone provide an exemple/explanation ?
I'll add that, if here I quote a solidity contract, we work with Vyper, but from what I read before, this is still a kind of issue that i'll find there too.
Thanks in advance !
If send()
target address is a smart contract it will execute the fallback function.
If the currentLeader
points to a smart contract that has a fallback function that has been intentionally made to revert on failed send, the bid()
won't work for any participants until currentLeader
has been changed.
This is not a "DoS" attack but simply gotcha in Solidity programming.